Cryo SES: innovative seal for cryogenic valves

We inform you that during next Valve World exhibition in Düsseldorf Germany, from 29th Nov to 1st Dec., Fluorten srl will officially introduce to the market its fully designed and manufactured in house innovative and patented seal called “Cryo SES”, for cryogenic valves, during a conference section held by Mr Francis Lebeau – Product Manager for SES as follows:

Title: Seals design for Cryogenic Valves
Where: Speaking corner at Hall 5
When: Wednesday - 30 November at 10:30 AM


We will invite you then to know more abt our production in general for Oil&Gas valves in our booth located in Hall 4 - Ref. D59.

There you will be able to touch and see our products like SES- Spring Energized Seals – and components made of Victrex® PEEK, PCTFE, PTFE / TFM and much more like rubber OR and slide bearings from companies like us part of Sealcore Network able to offer full range and high quality products in one site. Our Technical and Sales staff look forward to meet you there with great pleasure and so just save the Date and come see us.